Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Under The Skin

Scarlett Johansson in "Under The Skin."

Imagine walking around all day pretending to be an alien from another planet or dimension.  I bet the conclusion you'd come to pretty quickly is that humans are a very strange and unusual species.  I just returned from an afternoon showing of the provocative and hauntingly beautiful "Under The Skin" starring Scarlett Johansson who gives a gorgeous and brilliant performance.  This is immediately what I was struck with.  There's a part in the beginning where there's an ant crawling on the hand of ScarJo's character and I instantly thought of the correlation between insects and humans.  Perhaps to an alien being humans would seem like ants busily scurrying to and fro all over the planet, marching methodically and over-crowding their surroundings.  The difference being that as humans we have created culture and technology that advances us as a species.  Or does it?
     It's no longer unusual to go out in public and see groups of people all together but completely isolated from each other.  I had dinner with a friend last week and at a nearby table of 6 each person was hunched over a "smart" phone with the hideous glare of electronic light making their faces ghostly and creepy.  We watched them for several minutes and not once did they speak to each other or look up from their phones.  I am guilty as charged as well of being glued to my phone but I have been trying to make a conscious effort to put it away in lieu of actual human communication.  Everyone is so "connected" through social media that, in reality, we are not connected at all.  In fact, we are becoming antisocial.
     The movie also brings up the question of what it is that makes us human.  ScarJo's character is an alien on earth and is trying to portray herself as human in the skin that she has borrowed.  Most of the film seems like we are looking through her eyes in wonder and awe at a world that is both devastatingly beautiful in nature and also chaotic and confusing in it's humanity.  Look at people and try to distance yourself for a minute and it's all so unusual - humans walking alone and talking on cellular devices, eating, smoking, drinking, & rushing around.  Where is everyone always going and why?  I bet if you transported your great, great, great grandmother to our time she would feel just as strange as the character in the movie.  But, don't we, too, feel just as strange here at times?  The irony is that we are alienating ourselves from each other and we all live on the same planet.
     We have been conditioned to believe that the things that matter are just that - things.  Your car and your watch should instantly let people know your status and tax bracket.  If you don't have the latest bag or shoe then you are not worthy.  I'm not saying it's bad to want nice things but perspective is very important.  Nothing on the outside is ever going to fulfill the insides after the "instant gratification" feeling wears off.  Everyone always finds out too late that in the end the only thing that really matters is love and relationships with other humans.  Cultivate friendships that are based on trust and love and exploring the world not based on your Facebook "likes."
     The world is still vast and filled with breathtaking nature, we haven't completely destroyed it yet.  There are great achievements by our race that make life magical and wonderful.  There is nothing better than setting your imagination on fire with a well crafted book, beautifully executed painting or visually stunning movie like "Under The Skin."  Put down your phone and get out there and explore and seek knowledge and understanding.  Ask questions and learn about things that we wouldn't even know existed if it weren't for our advanced technology.  And don't forget to hang out with your best friends and have a gut busting laugh as often as possible!



  1. Lot of my Firends live They life like you said, when we going to a trip, They don't see a sunset or a Beautiful landscape They write They satus on Twitter or Facebook And make selfie... I think : don't waist Your time. The thing what really martter is : be healthy, Firends, And family. I agree with you, that we are antisocial. When ppl going to home after a long working day, They sit down in front of The tv And just looking out of They heads, And pushing They Smart phone... Where is in these times The old lovely family dinners? The long Talking with Your love And Kids? I really hope I can teach what is really matter in this life to my son. Xoxo

  2. You speak my mind often, it's as if I'm reading an inner dialogue.
